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TCE Help

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What is The Cola Encyclopedia?

The Cola Encyclopedia (TCE, formerly The Cola White-paper) is a non-commercial website which contains;

  • Huge database of cola drinks from all over the world, especially in Japan.
  • News articles about cola-drinks.
  • Seasonal webzine (magazine published on this website)
  • Any other cola-related infomation

If you like it, see TCE Top page or Site Map , and follow links in those pages.

I've lost my way. I can't find something on this site.

Fist, see Site Map . Menu indexes at left and top of the pages also navigate you.

Show me all cola anyway!

You can browse all of our cola collection from Database, Index by Product (Japanese) .

I hate frames!

Menu bar will appear at the top when your browser supports JavaScript. If you do not need it, you can disable it at Preferences page. Your selection are saved into cookie file and remain for a while, unless your browser denys access for cookie.

Why Japanese? I can't understand it.

Since we live in Japan, most of the contents in TCE are still written in Japanese.

Now we are working hard to translate them into English. Stay tuned!

[The Cola Encyclopedia] [HELP]
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Shinsuke Nakamoto, Ichiro Nakahashi.